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The Portland Concert Opera is a new performing arts organization based in Portland, Oregon. We are dedicated to presenting opera in concert form, featuring national and local professional singers.
We invite you to join us in helping create, from the ground up, Portland’s newest opera organization that brings a unique experience and magic to the performing arts community and its offerings. We seek to inspire both seasoned musical and opera supporters and performers as well as ignite the fire in those that have yet to discover the beauty of this art.
The foundation of what we want to embody and represent in the hearts and minds of the Portland community (and beyond) the idea of sitzprobe. This is a magic moment when, after years of training, months of practice, weeks of refinement of this particular piece of music individually (and perhaps with other people in other contexts), the instrument musicians and the vocal performers come together and experience each other, and the full force of the composition. It’s like they get to experience the vision of the composer while simultaneously actively breathing life into it and actualizing this artistic dream. The fruits of their dedication and devotion and labor surprise and delight them while they have a beautiful appreciation for the creation of this musical piece of art. This does not happen at the opera, or at orchestral concerts rehearsed and performed over and over. This is the niche that The PCO offers – a musical and magical engulfment of pure, authentic art.
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